Today with banks paying less than 1% interest perhaps it is time to think outside the box with investments. Today millions of honest, hard working Americans can not qualify for a home loan. So are you seeing the opportunity? For the wise Real Estate Investor instead of doing risky, hard fix-up... Why not help a prospective home buyer find the house he would want.... buy it... then sell it to them on a lease purchase. A few things to be aware of chances are that there are credit reasons that a prospective buyer can not get a home loan. Here where you need to get the him of a good lender and a reputable credit repair firm. If the prospective buyer will commit to improving credit and their finances almost anyone can do amazing things within 3 years. Other cautions only buy quality property and at the RIGHT price... this is where your profit is made. Require the buyer to pay a sizable down-payment 10 to 20 percent would not be unreasonable. Do you homework on the perspective buyer... do they pay rent on time?... are there any judgements against them, Are they likable? Three years can be a very long time if you can't get alone with you renter/buyer. Above all any investment like this has to be a win-win. A win for the buyer and a win for the seller and a win for you.